AGE GROUPS: Akwa Ibom Talent Show, Match You With Your Age Group So That It Will Be Easy To Interact, Make Friends And Learn From Them









To participate in the 2022 Virtual AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW  Nationals, you must first pre-qualify by sending a video of your performance, or a winner at an official TA Sanctioned Event domestically.

AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Video Submission  consist of 8 divisions; Acting, Dance, Instrumental, Model, Print, Songwriting, Variety, and Vocal.  Within each of those 8 divisions are categories. They are posted under AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Divisions.



consist of 11 divisions; Acting, Dance, Instrumental, Female Print Model, Male Print Model,  Female Runway Model, Male Runway Model, Songwriting, Variety, and Vocal.  Within each of those11 divisions are categories. They are posted under AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW


As long as a talent qualifies in the specific division in which they are entered, ie…acting, regardless of the category they performed in, they are eligible to enter any and all acting categories at the Nationals that are applicable and within the Nationals guidelines and specifications.  

If a contestant performs more than once in a category or division, the contestant’s highest score will be used to calculate placement. 

AGE GROUPS: Akwa Ibom Talent Show, Match You With Your Age Group So That It Will Be Easy To Interact, Make Friends And Learn From Them.

The performer’s age group for Nationals is determined by their age on the first day of the event. JUNE 28, 2022

The age of a group, 2 or more, for competition is determined by the *average age, on the first day of the event.

*AGES:  To reach the average age of an entry, add all the ages together and divide by the number of contestants in the entry.  When an average ends in .5 or above, you must round up to the next age.  Names and birthdates of all contestants must appear on the entry form or it will not be accepted.  All competing contestants must be prepared to present their birth certificate as proof of age should a question arise.  All ages are of the competition date.  For International competition, age as of First Day of Competition, regardless of age group contestant qualified in.

MUSIC: Each competition routine must be submitted electronically as an mp4 or video link to 

JUDGING:   A panel of qualified, competent judges will judge all performances.  All contestants, teachers, coaches and parents agree that the method of judging shall be solely within the discretion of the directors of AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW and that all decisions of the judges and AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW directors are final.

*Any protest must be in writing, signed and received by the TA director within 30 minutes of the performance in question and at least 30 minutes prior to awards. 

*Judges and/or AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW reserve the right to change the performers’ category if the performance is deemed to have been entered improperly.

*All participants and observers agree to conduct themselves in a manner displaying good sportsmanship.  Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification. Even in Zoom Live stream.

*All routines/performances must be appropriate for family viewing and listening including but not limited to language and lyrical content, monologues, copy, scripts, etc.  Any routine(s)/performance(s)that are at all questionable as to content being objectionable and/or suitable for family audiences must be presented to and approved by  AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW National Headquarters 30 days prior to performance.  Any performance(s) in violation of this policy may be subject to disqualification; such decision is made at the sole discretion and interpretation of AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Headquarters or AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW personnel authorized to make said decision.

AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Nationals Registration Deadline:  The deadline for all registration forms and fees is June  21st, 2021.  Any Entry forms and fees that are received after June 21st, 2021, will be subject to a $15.00 late fee per performer and all late fees must be paid with entry form.   

*All payment must be made using cash, credit card/debit card, cashier’s check, or money order and are non-refundable, no exceptions.  No refunds.  ABSOLUTELY NO CHECKS ACCEPTED!

*All Entry fees are due in full with entry forms.

*Entry fees are transferable within the same competition year.

*Violation of any rules and regulations, may result in disqualification at the sole discretion of AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW .

*Competition policies, event schedule, personnel, venue, and judges are subject to change.  AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW reserves the right to cancel events for any reason.

*AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW does not guarantee employment, callbacks, or career opportunities deriving from its’ events.The above rules, regulations and requirements apply to AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Preliminaries and AITS International Finals.  TA Sanctioned Events might vary from part or all of the above rules, regulations, and requirements as they function under their own rules, regulations, and requirements.  However, AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW will have approved those

To participate in the 2022 Virtual AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Nationals, you must first pre-qualify by sending a video of your performance, or a winner at an official TA Sanctioned Event domestically.

AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Video Submission  consist of 8 divisions; Acting, Dance, Instrumental, Model, Print, Songwriting, Variety, and Vocal.  Within each of those 8 divisions are categories. They are posted under AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Divisions.


consist of 11 divisions; Acting, Dance, Instrumental, Female Print Model, Male Print Model,  Female Runway Model, Male Runway Model, Songwriting, Variety, and Vocal.  Within each of those11 divisions are categories. They are posted under AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Divisions.

As long as a talent qualifies in the specific division in which they are entered, ie…acting, regardless of the category they performed in, they are eligible to enter any and all acting categories at the Nationals that are applicable and within the Nationals guidelines and specifications.  

If a contestant performs more than once in a category or division, the contestant’s highest score will be used to calculate placement. 

AGE GROUPS: Akwa Ibom Talent Show, Match You With Your Age Group So That It Will Be Easy To Interact, Make Friends And Learn From Them

The performer’s age group for Nationals is determined by their age on the first day of the event. JUNE 28, 2022

The age of a group, 2 or more, for competition is determined by the *average age, on the first day of the event.

*AGES:  To reach the average age of an entry, add all the ages together and divide by the number of contestants in the entry.  When an average ends in .5 or above, you must round up to the next age.  Names and birthdates of all contestants must appear on the entry form or it will not be accepted.  All competing contestants must be prepared to present their birth certificate as proof of age should a question arise.  All ages are of the competition date.  For International competition, age as of First Day of Competition, regardless of age group contestant qualified in.

MUSIC: Each competition routine must be submitted electronically as an mp4 or video link to  

JUDGING:   A panel of qualified, competent judges will judge all performances.  All contestants, teachers, coaches and parents agree that the method of judging shall be solely within the discretion of the directors of AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW and that all decisions of the judges and AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW directors are final.

*Any protest must be in writing, signed and received by the TA director within 30 minutes of the performance in question and at least 30 minutes prior to awards. 

*Judges and/or AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW reserve the right to change the performers’ category if the performance is deemed to have been entered improperly.

*All participants and observers agree to conduct themselves in a manner displaying good sportsmanship.  Unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification. Even in Zoom Live stream.

*All routines/performances must be appropriate for family viewing and listening including but not limited to language and lyrical content, monologues, copy, scripts, etc.  Any routine(s)/performance(s)that are at all questionable as to content being objectionable and/or suitable for family audiences must be presented to and approved by AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW National Headquarters 30 days prior to performance.  Any performance(s) in violation of this policy may be subject to disqualification; such decision is made at the sole discretion and interpretation of AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Headquarters or AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW personnel authorized to make said decision.

AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Nationals Registration Deadline:  The deadline for all registration forms and fees is June  21st, 2021.  Any Entry forms and fees that are received after June 21st, 2021, will be subject to a $15.00 late fee per performer and all late fees must be paid with entry form.   

*All payment must be made using cash, credit card/debit card, cashier’s check, or money order and are non-refundable, no exceptions.  No refunds.  ABSOLUTELY NO CHECKS ACCEPTED!

*All Entry fees are due in full with entry forms.

*Entry fees are transferable within the same competition year.

*Violation of any rules and regulations, may result in disqualification at the sole discretion of AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW .

*Competition policies, event schedule, personnel, venue, and judges are subject to change.  AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW reserves the right to cancel events for any reason.

*AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW does not guarantee employment, callbacks, or career opportunities deriving from its’ events.The above rules, regulations and requirements apply to AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Preliminaries and AITS International Finals.  TA Sanctioned Events might vary from part or all of the above rules, regulations, and requirements as they function under their own rules, regulations, and requirements.  However, AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW will have approved those differences and ALL CONTESTANTS that qualify for the AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Nationals will be subject to all AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW National rules, regulations, and requirements.

differences and ALL CONTESTANTS that qualify for theAKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW Nationals will be subject to all AKWA IBOM TALENT SHOW National rules, regulations, and requirements.

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